thai peanut sauce noodles

This simple dish combines standard pantry items with a little flair to make a super quick and hearty meal!

4 servings | 30 minutes



For the tofu, veggies, and noodles:

  • 1 package (~14oz) - firm or extra firm tofu

    • See baked tofu recipe for additional spices needed

  • 1 Tbsp - coconut oil (or other med-heat vegetable oil)

  • Many types of veggies!

    • fresh or frozen: carrots, broccoli, peas, beans

    • fresh: cabbage, mushrooms, bell peppers

  • Spices: garlic powder, soy sauce

  • 2 packages - wide flat rice noodles (or similar)

  • (optional) crushed peanuts for garnish

  • (optional) lemon slices for garnish

For the peanut sauce:

  • 1/2 cup - smooth peanut butter (we recommend the type that’s just peanuts + salt, without added sugar or palm oil)

  • 2 Tbsp - soy sauce (or more to add saltiness)

  • 1/2 tsp - sriracha sauce (or more to add more kick)

  • 2 Tbsp - lemon juice (or squeeze half a lemon)

  • 1 Tbsp - maple syrup

  • 1/2 to 1 cup - warm water

Equipment needed:

  • Cutting board + knife

  • Large frying pan OR a wok

  • Medium sauce pan


  1. Get the baked tofu started, using the baked tofu prep step

  2. Once the tofu is in the oven, start heating some water for the rice noodles

  3. In a sauce pan or medium bowl, mix together the peanut sauce ingredients, then set aside

    • We recommend heating the mixture on the stove to help the peanut butter mix in

    • Otherwise, use hot water to help with the mixing

  4. Chop the veggies (we prefer thin strips or small pieces for faster cooking)

  5. Heat the coconut oil in a large wok or frying pan, then add the chopped veggies, plus garlic powder

  6. Cook with a lid on for 10-15 min, just enough to steam the veggies

  7. Meanwhile, once the water has boiled, cook the rice noodles for 4 minutes, then drain & set aside

  8. Once the veggies, tofu, and noodles are cooked, combine them all in the large wok or frying pan

  9. Re-heat the peanut sauce mixture or add a bit of hot water to make it thinner (it will thicken as it cools)

  10. Pour the peanut sauce over the veggies, tofu, and noodles and mix together

    • If needed, add some hot water and/or soy sauce to adjust the consistency (thin it out) and taste (saltiness)

  11. Serve in bowls with crushed peanuts and lemon wedges as a garnish!